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Bi Monthly Market Update | Doctor Copper on the run…

By Jody Fewster

Doctor Copper on the run…

  • “Record stimulus spending, the roll-out of vaccines and the easing of global lockdowns have fuelled demand for commodities across the board. And tight supply has contributed to strong prices.” AFR
  • Copper, often referred to as Doctor Copper for its predictive properties, has risen to a 9 year high of $US 9,000/t. Other base metals are also rising which has seen the ASX-200 up this week but down to 6,765 at the minute.
  • The rise in metal prices has spurred the Aussie dollar closer to $US .80c, its highest in nearly 3 years.
  • Global rating agency Fitch Ratings has affirmed Australia’s top-tier AAA rating, saying the economy has weathered the pandemic well – importantly noting – Australia is only one of nine nations to hold AAA credit rating.
  • Our nation’s unemployment rate has fallen to 6.4%. All eyes on next Tuesday’s RBA meeting for their take on the economy.
  • The rental market continues to provide a challenge with the vacancy rate still below 1%.
  • It’s imperative to understand market segmentation and the nuances of pricing within each segment of the residential property market.
  • So call me for a confidential discussion regarding your existing home or perhaps where your new home sits in the current market.

Authored by Jody Fewster

Please call 0414 688 988 if I can provide you with a current market appraisal and detailed marketing plan for your home or investment property.
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