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Bi Monthly Market Update | Shares? Cash? or Property!

By Simone Raszyk

Shares? Cash? or Property!

  • It has been a wild ride on markets over the last few days with investors uncertain about the nature of the virus, its potential economic impact and the policy response.
  • The oil shock caused by Russia’s refusal to reduce production as recommended by OPEC (and Saudia Arabia’s response to it), has only added to this confusion and uncertainty. Agreement is expected to be reached when Russia and the Saudis meet next week.
  • After nearly hitting the psychological 6,000 level this morning the ASX-200 has retreated and is trading at 5,725 as I type. The Aussie dollar is at US .65c.
  • International financial research houses are suggesting the virus and its impact are temporary.
  • US elections are looming with pundits forecasting a Trump second term which will be good for markets into Christmas. As will Trump’s promise of “very substantial” stimulus.
  • All eyes awaiting our Federal Government’s announcement on stimulus measures due tomorrow.
  • Good news is that investors looking for greater control over their money will look to property.
  • Long term debt is now so cheap for borrowers that it’s having an impact with ABS figures showing home loans growing faster than market consensus according to recent data – 6.4% in WA.
  • Having just sold the highest priced home in Dalkeith in the last 9 years with multiple offers before auction, I am very bullish on the market. Call me for a confident strategy to get your best price.
Authored by Jody Fewster
Please call 0414 688 988 if I can provide you with a current market appraisal and detailed marketing plan for your home or investment property.
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