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Bi Monthly Market Update | Up – Down – then back to Even – you can’t take your eyes off the ASX…

By Drew Dwyer

Up – Down – then back to Even – you can’t take your eyes off the ASX… 

  • Inflation concerns and the potential impact on rate rises caused volatility on the US markets which saw huge losses and then gains on the S&P ASX 200 over the last couple of days. All has settled down now that the US Federal Reserve Chair has confirmed he is confident inflation would fall to the central banks’ goal of 2% therefore rates will remain low for some time.
  • The S&P ASX -200 is back at 7,298 as I type. The Aussie dollar is $US .752c.
  • The May jobless rate dropped from 5.5% to 5.1%, a recovery to pre-pandemic levels.
  • With house prices rising, stock levels remain low, we’ve never been more in need of homes to sell.
  • COVID outbreaks in the East causing huge uncertainly for School holidays. Perhaps now is a good time to reflect on your home and if it’s still perfect for you?
  • Call me for a chat about your next possible move.

Authored by Jody Fewster

Please call 0414 688 988 if I can provide you with a current market appraisal and detailed marketing plan for your home or investment property. Please click here to read some of my testimonials.
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