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Residential property leads real estate for investment returns…

By Jody Fewster

Residential property leads real estate for investment returns…

  • Nothing has cleared on the geopolitical front, with tensions in the Middle East, Russia, and Ukraine, as well as between China and Australia.
  • Commodity prices are still very strong, with Copper close to US $10,000/tn, Gold US $2,323/oz, Silver US $27,455/oz, and Iron Ore US $119/tn. All eyes are on Thursday’s budget and the resultant windfall.
  • Our market was up with the news that the RBA was keeping rates on hold at 4.35%. The S&P ASX/200 is up again today at 7,796 as I type.
  • Today’s AFR reports that across Australia, residential property has the highest average compound annual growth rate (1995-2022) as an investment: 6.19% for residential, 5.63% for office, 5.16% for retail, and 5.48% for industrial.
  • Apparently, WA has the capacity to build about 16,000 homes annually. More than 95,000 people moved to Perth last year – eek!
  • Checking the REIWA website today, there are only 2,032 houses for sale! With the rental vacancy rate at 0.4%, no wonder those looking for a home are feeling stressed.
  • The Government’s latest attempt to fix this housing crisis is to offer $5,000 to return a vacant property to the long-term rental market. This is on top of the $10,000 incentive for returning a property from a short-term stay to the long-term rental market.

Call me today for a confidential chat about these market forces and how they impact your property.

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