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Bi Monthly Market Update | Shares surge…..what trade war?

By Jody Fewster

Shares surge…..what trade war?

  • Our share market has recovered from last week’s correction amid reassurances of extra stimulus from global central banks and fewer concerns of a US recession.
  • The ASX – 200 closed at 6,545 yesterday and is now trading down at 6,481.7 as I type.  Gold was down.
  • The Aussie dollar is at 67.78 cents.
  • As much as Trump is trying to talk down the risk of recession, 74% of US business economists believe the risks emerging from his economic policies mean there will be a recession by the end of 2021.
  • There is no further clarity in the US-China trade negotiations nor on Brexit.
  •’s chief economist Nerida Conisbee has been in Perth sharing her thoughts on the Perth market’s positive green shoots of recovery. Nerida assures us we are on the path to a slow uptick. Mining is again at the forefront of the recovery with house prices in Karratha growing by 30%.
  • The Sydney property market is now down 11% from its peak and indicators are suggesting it is bottoming out.
  • We have 15 current off market listings ranging from $1.6 million to $12 million. Call me now to see if we have your next home.
Authored by Jody Fewster | 0414 688 988
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