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Perth property prices up 10.8% !!!

By Jody Fewster
  • China’s manufacturing activity unexpectedly declined in October.
  • Fears of war in the Middle East and global debt levels have pushed the Australian dollar gold price to a record high last month.  The safe-haven metal and inflation hedge is up 22.2% in October to $3,158.
  • The S&P ASX-200 had its worst month in a year in October, down 3.8%. It traded up today and closed at 6838.3. The Aussie dollar is US .657c
  • Hotter-than-expected inflation data has raised the bets the RBA will increase rates at their next meeting on November 7.
  • Perth median house prices hit a record $631,195 with a 1.6% monthly jump, outpacing all other capital cities.
  • Call me today for a tailored plan to take advantage of this currently red-hot property market.
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