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Putin went to China, Biden is in Israel – still some good news…

By Jody Fewster
  • War in the Middle East and Putin’s recent visit to China has the geopolitical front is in flux.
  • The release of the RBA minutes with a “Hawkish” tone caused our market to pause, however, it recovered throughout yesterday with the S&P ASX-200 closing at 7056.1.
  • The Aussie dollar is trading at $US 63.5.
  • Labour market data out tomorrow is expected to show the unemployment rate holding steady at 3.7% in September.
  • The RBA will be watching the September CPI figures out next week with economists forecasting a rate rise at their November 7 meeting should CPI be stronger than estimated.
  • Sweeping changes are proposed to overhaul WA’s planning laws designed to fast-track the supply of new homes. The threshold is being lowered from $10m to $2m so that development approvals for a minimum of 2 lots can be sent straight to DAP thus bypassing local councils.
  • Stock levels in both the rental and sale market remain stubbornly low.
  • Call me today to discuss how these tight market conditions are affecting the value of your home or investment property.
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